New Merch Shop

/ 1 MIN read / NEWS

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New merch shop is live powered by Spreadshirt. Old designs are being retired, with new ones coming soon!

Image courtesy of: Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash. Model photo by Spreadshirt.

Spreadshirt Merch Shop
I've made the move over to Spreadshirt! Fatsack Fails Merch can now be found here. Spreadshirt has a bunch of cool options available to both me as a creator, and to you as a customer in terms of product available, customizing, sizes, and cost.

I’ve retired most of the designs from the old shop, and will be adding new ones in the time coming. Some of these will be updated versions of the former designs, but a lot of these will be new designs!

If you have suggestions for designs, or ideas for different merch, let me know! The other cool thing about Spreadshirt’s services is if you have a design you want to print out on a product, you can use my shop to do it and it still supports the channel! Upload your own designs, modify one of mine, add text whatever you want. Super cool, and super useful!

Avatar of Fatsack

Fatsack - Ethan Kellogg is a Twitch streamer, graphic designer, web developer, and advisory live stream consultant. Likes video games, TTRPGs, weird music, and stiff drinks. He/Him

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