Layers of Fear + Play Throughs + Halloween
Fatsack Fails at Layers of Fear
Full playthrough of Layers of Fear by Bloober Team. Contains jump scare alerts!
You are the Painter. You have returned to your old Victorian home, abandoned and empty, to finish your Magnum Opus. Your masterpiece. Once you finish it, it will all be worth it. The pain, the madness, the loss. But first you must collect your tools from the various rooms of the house and work on your art. Things are not as they seem, with doors closing behind you, hallways disappearing and reappearing before your very eyes, and the cries of anguish and torture of your loved ones echoing through the musty hallways. But you must finish it. Use my affiliate link here to check out the game for yourself.

Fatsack - Ethan Kellogg is a Twitch streamer, graphic designer, web developer, and advisory live stream consultant. Likes video games, TTRPGs, weird music, and stiff drinks. He/Him